Rosh HaShanna: One Day or Two??

Once again Machon Shilo is trailblazing in the pursuit of truth and abandoning shtuth. After last year's heter on kitniyot and reminding us that Jews are halachically bound to take the lulav and etrog in Eretz Yisrael when the first day of Sukkot falls on Shabbat, they've now turned their sights on Rosh HaShanna:
How many days did our forefathers observe Rosh HaShanna? While many believe that we have always observed two days of Rosh HaShanna, this is not the case. According to Rashi, Jews even outside Erets Yisrael kept only one day but Tosafoth disagrees.
I downloaded the shiurim and my eyes were truly opened. Yasher koach to Rav Bar-Hayim and gang at Machon Shilo. Go to Machon Shilo or click here to download the series.

Neturei Kitniyos, you've got some new truth to squelch. Shanna Tova to you and all Am Yisrael.


Rafi G. said…
so will you be keeping only one day of rosh hashana?
Not until the Sanhedrin is reconvened and says to do so. RBH won't either... but at least he honest enough to point out the problem.
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately this won't happen anytime soon.
Cancelling the whole kitniyot issue is much simpler and there is so much opposition to it.
Todays Rabbis are very far from dealling with this type of change.

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