Great shiurim on Erets Yisrael

Just in time for the Three Weeks, Machon Shilo is proud to offer a four-part series on Erets Yisrael that delves into the fallacies of "Land for Peace" and the faulty Torah cited by frum Jews supporting this hillul haShem (desecration of G-d's name).

The topics covered include:
  • Why Land for Peace is wrong
  • The Misswah of Living in Erets Yisrael and how to observe it
  • And more.

There are also shiurim on shmitta that will help you find out how to make your shmitta really kosher--without helping those who spill Jewish blood.

To directly access the shiurim, go to,com_docman/task,cat_view/gid,63/Itemid,64/


Esser Agaroth said…
B"H Don't forget! Sundays, 7:45pm in Jerusalem....
Yehudhi said…
Rav Bar Hayim is the most brilliant person i have ever met.

He is a true Gadhol B'Torah.

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