Al-HaNissim for Yom Ha’assmauth and Yom Yerushalayim

Machon Shilo has outdone themselves again! Rav Bar-Hayim had an excellent article called "The Rebbe's Hallel" and they've also published a special version of Al-HaNissim for these two special days.

The Talmud (Pesahim 117a) informs us that the Hallel prayer “was instituted by the Prophets to be said by the Jewish People on Festivals, and [in addition] upon having been saved from grave danger, they are to recite it in thanksgiving for their salvation.” This statement is quoted by several Halachic codifiers (e.g. Rid ad loc.; Rosh Pesahim 1:10). Salvation from national disaster is the yardstick; where this standard is met, we are obligated to express our gratitude to Hashem. Indeed, the Hatham Sopher (OH 161; 191& 208) opines that this obligation is mandated by the Torah. Like Hannukah, the Divine salvation experienced is in 1948 and 1967 is an immutable fact independent of subsequent developments.

In addition, Al-HaNissim should be added to the Amidah and Birkat HaMazon of the holidays. The addition of Al HaNissim in our prayers is Halachically unassailable. The Tur writes that one may add a supplication or words of praise in the Modim section of the Amidah (Ohr HaHayim 582 and Hagahoth Maimoniyoth Tephilla 6:3). Indeed even on days when Hallel is not said, such as Purim, Al HaNissim is recited.

Get your copy of the nusah at

Chag Sameach leGeulah Shelaymah.


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